How to import android project in eclipse

I sensed from the comments and mails.that developers are facing problem in importing existing Android project to Eclipse I decided to write a separate post on it which just discuss about how to import android project in eclipse.

I have also discussed the trouble shooting procedures to be followed when you face issues in importing Android project.

Step 1: Choose and download the project from here


Step 2: Unzip the project


Step 3: Import the unzipped project to Eclipse: Select File >> Import



Step 4: Import the unzipped project to Eclipse: Select Existing Projects into Workplace and click next



Step 5: Import the unzipped project to Eclipse: Click Browse to browse the unzipped project, click OK.


Step 6: Click Finish, you could see the project imported to Eclipse as shown below


Trouble shooting:

Eclipse will throw error when compatible compiler or SDK is not found in your development environment. Try either of the below solutions, it should work.
Most common error that occurs is “Unable to resolve target ‘android-XX’”.

Solution 1
Right click on the project >> Android Tools >> Fix Project Properties. If this solution doesn’t work, try Solution #2.


Solution 2
Open file present under the project folder and update the target version. Provide the target SDK version which is installed in your machine.


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